Employee Housing Search
Employee Housing Search is a listing service of rentals and the occasional home for sale available to CSU employees and their families owned by CSU employees or private homeowners in the Fort Collins area. Homes for sale will only be included if they are offered at a significant discount to CSU employees.
The information for the houses is provided by the homeowners. If you are interested in one of the homes listed, please contact the owner directly. All negotiations are between homeowner and renter/buyer. Click here to view current listings.
These housing resources are completely independent from Colorado State University (CSU) and Employee Housing Programs (EHP). CSU and EHP do not endorse or inspect any of them or review the information given by these resources. We caution all potential tenants and landlords to verify all information you receive and to view the unit or house in person.
Listing Your Home on CSU’s Employee Housing Programs Website
CSU Employee Housing Programs will list homes available to rent for CSU Employees submitted by private parties if they are deemed appropriate in terms of size, location, and price. Please note that we will not post a listing if there is a fee.
To submit your home for consideration:
- Please download and complete the listing form; be sure to note your preferred contact information(email and/or phone) and then send the completed form as an email attachment to [email protected]
- You may include up to four photos on the form — at least one photo is required.
- All photos must be sized so that your finished document is a one page Word document with a file size no larger than1 MB.
- While we are unable to assist with this process, please click here for information on inserting and resizing photos.
- If your home is accepted for the program:
- It may take up to one week for your listing to be posted.
- It will be listed on this web site for three months, or until we are notified that the property is rented. Extensions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Interested parties will contact you directly for further information and viewings.
- CSU Employee Housing Programs Coordinator will not represent either party and is not legally responsible for any transactions between the parties.