Postdoctoral Fellows and Other Salaried Employees
Post Doctoral Fellows
- Post Doctoral Fellows are usually persons who have recently completed their PH.D.s who are engaged to work primarily on research projects. They are not required to enroll as students and their appointments are intended to last no more than three years. Normally, Post Doctoral Fellows may be appointed for a period of up to three years, and should be appointed whether or not compensation is paid. The appointment type is Post Doctoral Fellow (009990).
- Post Doctoral Fellowship Grant Trainees are post graduate level doctoral fellows who are paid/sponsored on certain types of Federal training grants, and thus are Post Doctoral Fellows. The appointment types is a Fellowship Grant Trainee Post Doctoral (009992). Post Doctoral Fellow Veterinary Residents are categorized as Post Doctoral Fellows (009990).
Veterinary Interns
- Veterinary internships are formalized through the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and the interns are Doctors of Veterinary Medicine completing a one year program that results in receipt of a certificate of completion in a specialty area such as small animal medicine or surgery, large animal medicine or surgery or a combination of specialty areas. They are not required to enroll as students, and their appointments are full-time.
- Veterinary Interns are one year appointments.
Clinical Psychology Interns
- Clinical psychology internships are formalized through the University Counseling Center and the interns are in Counseling or Clinical Psychology. The clinical psychology interns are typically completing the last requirement of their Ph.D. program, the internship, which results in receipt of a certificate of completion. They are not required to enroll as students, and their appointments are full-time.
- Clinical psychology interns are one year appointments.
Leaves and Other Benefits
- Paid post doctoral fellows, post doctoral fellowship grant trainees, post doctoral fellow veterinary residents, veterinary interns, and clinical psychology interns are not eligible for paid time off such as vacation, however, they shall receive an amount of sick leave equal to that which they are expected to earn during their first year of employment. The sick leave “advance” is earned on a fiscal year basis and does not carry forward. Post doctoral fellows with appointments of less than full-time, but at least half-time (0.5)
earn sick leave each fiscal year prorated by the part-time fraction of their appointment. Sick leave accrues and expires each fiscal year. (Refer to Section 2 of the Human Resources Manual for sick leave accrual information). They are eligible for benefits and other privileges as outlined in Section 1 of the Human Resources Manual and are covered by workers compensation and unemployment insurance.