State Classified Grievance Process
The University encourages employees to act to resolve disagreements or misunderstandings that may arise in the course of employment. If it is not possible to resolve concerns through informal discussion among the individuals involved, a state classified employee may pursue resolution through the appropriate grievance or appeal procedure. The grievance process is designed to address and resolve problems, not to be an adversarial process.
The university’s Human Resources department and their designee shall serve as facilitator in these procedures.
Facilitation may include:
- Ensuring that all appropriate procedural rights are protected
- Advising parties on matters relating to the interpretation of applicable rules or policies
- Attending scheduled conferences as a resource person or facilitator if requested by the parties
- Mediating disagreements concerning time limits, requests for time extensions, the determination of the effect of prearranged or emergency absences from the university on the specified time limits
- Or other procedural matters relating to the effective resolution of grievances
Situations involving complaints of discrimination or sexual harassment should be brought to the attention of the Office of Equal Opportunity.
An employee who is aggrieved by an action in the course of employment may initiate the grievance process.
Grievances may include, but are not limited to:
- Corrective actions
- Employee/supervisor relationships
- Duty assignments not affecting job classification
- Shift and job location assignments
- Hours worked
- Working facilities and conditions
- Policies for granting leave
- Health and safety issues
- And similar matters.
The grievance process applies to all workplace actions except for:
- Disciplinary actions
- Any action that adversely affects pay, status, or tenure
- Selection disputes
- Performance management disputes that do not result in a disciplinary action
- Coverage designation disputes
- In-range salary movements
Issues pertaining to leave sharing - Discretionary pay differentials
- Hazardous duty premium pay
Grievance Procedures
Any of the timeframes for completion noted below of the grievance process may be waived or modified if agreed to by both parties, including deferral of action to allow the parties a chance to resolve the issue. “Days” refers to calendar days unless specifically noted otherwise.
Step One:
To initiate the grievance process, an employee shall notify the employee’s supervisor or another person within the employee’s chain of command (“Step One Respondent”) within ten calendar days from the disputed action or occurrence. Notification may be written or verbal and must communicate that the employee is initiating step one of the grievance process.
The Step One Respondent shall schedule the discussion meeting to occur with 14 calendar days from the employee initiating the grievance process. This discussion will include the employee and the Step One Respondent and shall include ideas for resolving the matter. The employee does not have the right to representation during the step one discussion.
The employee will be informed in writing of the decision within 14 days of the step one discussion. The written decision will include instructions to the employee that if they wish to move to step two of the grievance process it must be in writing and identify the step two appointing authority.
Appointing authority for the university’s grievance process are the dean for academic colleges and vice president for other units. The step one decision will be binding unless the employee moves to step two.
Step Two:
To initiate step two of the grievance process, the employee shall provide a written grievance (see grievance form) to the employee’s appointing authority within ten calendar days of receipt of the step one decision. If a step one decision fails to be completed with 14 calendar days of the step one discussion, the employee may initiate step two no later than 21 calendar days after the step one discussion. Only the issues raised in the written grievance will be considered in subsequent discussions.
For the step two review, the appointing authority may:
- Conduct the step two review
- Appoint another person or panel to investigate and/or make recommendations regarding the grievance, or
- Delegate the step two decision to another person or panel
The appointing authority or delegate will meet with the employee for the step two discussion within 28 calendar days from the employee initiating step two. The employee may bring a representative with them to the step two meeting. The representative may participate in the meeting but the employee is expected to answer any questions and actively participate.
A written decision will be provided to the employee within 14 calendar days of the step two meeting. The step two decision is binding unless the employee elects to appeal the decision to the State Personnel Board.
The Consolidated Appeal/Dispute Form and guidance is available on the web at