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HR Community Meetings

Human Resources liaisons throughout the university are invited to regular meetings that address relevant HR topics. Complete the form below and check the “HR Community” listserv to receive future invitations.

Slides and meeting recordings are available to meeting attendees via the Teams channel.

Events Calendar

Calendar of Events

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EAP Webinar: Mental Health Awareness

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Email Distribution Lists

Human Resources commonly uses listservs to send updates and reminders to HR system users. As a part of the HR Community, sign up so that you are up to date on the most recent information. 

Audience: HR system users
Topics: Notifications related to payroll processing, changes in policies and procedures, system downtime, training sessions, benefit notification, payroll updates, data warehouse
Authors: HR Information Systems; also HR Payroll, HR Benefits, HR Records, Student Employment

Audience: HR system users responsible for maintaining departmental leave records
Topics: Leave-related notifications, procedures, and policies
Authors: HR Information Systems, HR Records

Audience: HR Professionals
Topics: Policy and procedure updates, general HR information, and invitations to HR community meetings
Authors: HR Information Systems

Employees can sign up for an email list that will provide a daily email with the results of the integration from TMS to the HR System. This will help departments know when Oracle action is required on their part. 

A list of all the public mailing lists is available through Division of Information Technology. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. 

Sign up for HR Listservs
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.