CARE Program – Colorado State University

The CARE program is an important part of the health and well-being programs at CSU, more information can be found at

Utility Assistance Program

In partnership with Student Case Management and Energy Outreach Colorado to support CSU students, faculty, and staff who are struggling to make utility payments. Eligibility criteria:

  1. Past due/prior balance on utility bill or low/no bulk fuel (coal, firewood, kerosene, propane, oil, or pellets). 
  2. Applicant lives at the service address on the bill. 
  3. If the applicant is not the account holder, they must have proof they are responsible for the bill. 
  4. Households may receive assistance once per program year with up to two energy sources. 
  5. Gross household income at or below 80% of area median income (AMI). 

Apply now

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