Other Leaves – AFAP
Faculty, Administrative Professional and Other Non-Classified Staff
Colorado State University recognizes the importance of supporting its employees as they balance their career, personal and family life. It is important for employees to be able to recharge, feel protected in their employment, and take the time they need to improve their overall productivity and health. As a part of your total rewards package, you are provided with paid and unpaid leaves to support you and your family and enhance your financial security.
This information is a summary of commonly used leaves and is not all inclusive of benefits offered at CSU. In the event of a conflict between the information on this page and the official plan documents, the plan documents will govern. Please see the HR Manual for specific details and policies regarding leave.
Accrual: Full-time faculty and administrative professionals on 12 month regular or special appointments earn two (2) days of annual leave per month. Appointments of less than full-time but at least half-time (0.5) earn a prorated amount of annual leave based on their full-time equivalent (FTE). Those who begin work after the first of a month or who terminate before the end of a month earn annual leave on a prorated basis. Leave earned during periods of leave (annual, sick, injury, etc.) is not credited until the employee returns to work.
Maximum: Days accumulated in excess of a 48 day maximum are forfeited on July 1 of each year.
Usage:Annual leave should be so scheduled as to least interfere with effective operations of the offices concerned, but desires of employees should be considered.
Payout: When a faculty or administrative professional has been employed by the University for at least six (6) months and ceases to be employed by the University, they shall be paid accrued annual leave up to the maximum. The maximum number of days is 24, minus the number of days of annual leave taken during the 30 working days immediately prior to the date of separation from employment.
Accrual: Full-time faculty and administrative professionals on nine (9) or twelve (12) month appointments earn one and one-quarter (1.25) days of sick leave per month. Employees appointed less than full-time, but at least half-time (0.5) earn sick leave prorated amount of leave based on their FTE. Employees who begin work after the first of a month or who terminate before the end of a month earn sick leave on a prorated basis. Leave earned during periods of leave (annual, sick, injury, etc.) is not credited until the employee returns to work.
Maximum: Leave is cumulative with no maximum.
Usage: A faculty or administrative professional may use accrued sick leave for treatment of and convalescence from his or her own illness or injury. Illness includes treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction.
They may use up to four hundred eighty (480) hours per fiscal year of their accrued sick leave for the following purposes:
- Illness or medical treatment of their spouse, domestic partner, civil union partner, parent, or child (as those terms are defined in Appendix 3) or an individual for whom the employee has responsibility to provide care. In addition, an employee will be presumed to have a responsibility to provide care for a serious medical condition of the employee’s adult child, sibling, grandparent, or in-law (sibling, parent or grandparent of the employee’s spouse, domestic partner or civil union partner) if the employee submits a request for leave stating that the leave is necessary for such reasons.
- To provide care for a newborn child or for a child newly placed for adoption with the employee, in accordance with the Parental Leave and in accordance with the Family Medical Leave (FML). The child need not be ill for use of sick leave in this instance.
Payout: Upon retirement from the University after at least 5 years of continuous benefits eligible service, employees are paid for ¼ of unused sick leave up to a maximum of 15 days.
At the time of initial employment, a faculty or administrative professional employee shall receive an amount of sick leave equal to that which they are expected to earn during their first year of employment (120 hours). The initial year of sick leave is an “advance” and must be earned before any additional sick leave shall accrue. It is possible that it will take the
employee more or less than one (1) year to earn the amount of sick leave advanced and begin accruing additional sick leave (e.g. accruals at the time of a
conversion, change in FTE, LWOP status, etc.) All other usage criteria applies.
Post Doctoral Fellows Only: At the time of initial appointment, and at the beginning of each subsequent fiscal year, post-doctoral fellows, veterinary interns, and clinical psychology interns shall receive an amount of sick leave equal to that which they are expected to earn during a fiscal year (as described above). Employees with appointments of less than full-time, but at least half-time (0.5), earn sick leave each fiscal year prorated based on their FTE. Unused sick leave does not carry forward into the next fiscal year.
When a continuation of sick leave usage is due to the employee’s own serious health condition (defined under FML) exceeds 30 work days per fiscal year, the cost of the those sick leave days that exceed 30, may be charged to the fringe pool. The 30 day period must be met each fiscal year.
The Extended Sick Leave Reimbursement Application is submitted to Human Resources with copies of FML (Notice of Eligibility and Rights and Responsibilities, Medical Certification and Designation Notice) by the employee’s department. Application must be submitted within 30 days of the use of leave, but no later than the end of the fiscal year.
Faculty and Administrative Professionals are granted jury leave with pay for the period they are required to serve. Such leave shall be coordinated with the department head concerned. Compensation received by the individual for time spent performing jury duty on working days shall be turned over to the Payroll Unit, except for mileage and expenses.
On occasions individual employees are obligated to testify as court witnesses on subjects for which they qualify as experts. Employees are permitted leave to serve only when subpoenaed to appear. In testifying as an expert witness, the employee necessarily must make preparation for the case presumably upon his/her own time and therefore is permitted to retain all fees received. In the case of prolonged absence from duty, as in the case of one rendering consultant services, the employee would be placed on leave of absence without salary for the duration of his/her absence.
Department heads may grant employees paid leave for time lost due to the death of a relative to the extent deemed appropriate and advisable in view of circumstances, but not in excess of 5 working days. For purposes of this policy, relative is defined as a member of the family including spouse, domestic or civil union partner, children, parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, nephew, niece, aunt and uncle. This includes biological, adopted, foster or step relationships to either the employee or their spouse/partner. Allowed absences also may be granted for others not included in this listing based on the relationship of the employee to the deceased.
The State Personnel Board has given academic institutions the authority to substitute days that coincide with the academic schedule for the 11 legal holidays. Further, individual departments whose responsibilities dictate unusual work schedules may establish holiday schedules which deviate from the University’s schedule (see HR Manual, p. 3.18-19).
CSU believes in giving back to the community where we live and work. That’s why we offer paid leave to support employees who want to volunteer. Learn more about these programs at the links below.
This is intended to be an overview. Refer to the HR Manual for complete information. In the event the information on this page differs from the plan documents, the plan document will govern.