9 Over 12 Payment Option

An academic faculty or administrative professional employee on a full-time, nine-month appointment (which begins in August and ends in May) may elect to receive their 9 month pay over 12 installments, beginning in September.

  • New enrollment or cancellation of an existing contract must be completed by August 1 by completing the 9 Over 12 Pay Option form.
  • If the end of employment coincides with the ending of the academic year, the remaining balance of the academic year salary will be paid in the form of a lump sum payout less applicable taxes and benefits. Coverage for benefits will be extended through July 31 of that year.

Double Deductions - Benefits

  • Since 9-month appointments are not guaranteed employment during the summer months (June and July), premiums for these two months are paid via “double deductions”.
  • The premium payments that would normally be made for June and July are included in the deductions taken from the employee’s compensation in April and May. Thus, deductions taken in April and May are twice the normal amount and no premium payments are required for coverage during June and July.
  • If the end of employment coincides with the ending of the academic year, coverage for benefits will be extended through July 31 if double deductions were taken.