Resource Brief overview of venue Format Cost Duration Description
American Association for Access, Equity and Diversity (AAAED) Founded in 1974 as the American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA), AAAED has four decades of leadership in providing professional training to members, enabling them to be more successful and productive in their careers. It also promotes understanding and advocacy of affirmative action and other equal opportunity and related compliance laws to enhance the tenets of access, inclusion and equality in employment, economic and educational opportunities. Online Basic Posting – $249
Enhanced Posting – $299
Premimum Job Flash Package – $399
30 days Basic: Posted for 30 days
Enhanced: Posted for 30 days, remains high in search results
Premium Job Flash: Posted for 30 days, remains high in the search results, highlighted to stand out, job emailed to hundreds of affirmative action professionals
American Association of Blacks in Higher Education (AABHE) The American Association of Blacks in Higher Education (AABHE) is an outgrowth of the Black Caucus, which was a component of the former American Association of Higher Education (AAHE). As such, AABHE has a rich history of representing African Americans in higher education on national and international levels. The Black Caucus created the Summit for Blacks in Higher Education. Online 30 Day Job Posting – $299
60 Day Job Posting – $600
Enhanced Posting – $399
Premium Job Flash Package – $499
30 or 60 days 30 day posting: Posted for 30 days
60 day posting: Posted for 60 days
Enhanced Job Posting: posted for 30 days, remains high in search results, highlighted to stand out
Premium Job Flash Package: Posted for 30 days, job emailed to 5,800+ African Americans in Higher Education, remains high in search results, highlighted to stand out
American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) The American Indian Higher Education Consortium, a 501(c)(3) organization governed by a board of directors composed of the presidents of the accredited United States-based Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), is celebrating 45 years as the collective spirit and unifying voice of our nation’s 37 TCUs—a unique community of tribally and federally chartered institutions working to strengthen tribal nations and make a lasting difference in the lives of American Indians and Alaska Natives. Online 30 Day Job Posting – $185
60 Day Job Posting – $235
Featured 30 Day Posting – $285
Featured 60 Day Posting – $335
30, 60 or 90 days 30 day posting: Posted for 30 days
60 day posting:
Posted for 60 days
Featured 30 day posting:
Ad is highlighted at the top of the listings and will also appear in TCJ’s bi-monthly e-mail newsletter and career e-newsletter editions.
Featured 60 day posting:
Ad is highlighted at the top of the listings and will also appear in TCJ’s bi-monthly e-mail newsletter and career e-newsletter editions.
Black EOE Journal DiversityComm, Inc. (DCI) is the proud publisher of six nationally recognized diversity focused magazines: Black EOE Journal, HISPANIC Network Magazine,  Professional WOMAN’S Magazine, U.S. Veterans Magazine, Diversity in STEAM Magazine, and DIVERSEability Magazine. Each magazine has its own engaging website, distribution, and digital edition. In addition, we publish a bi-monthly  e-newsletter that reaches all of our readers, subscribers and clients. If one of your goals is diversity branding, global diversity, diversity recruiting or supplier diversity, then look no further. With more than 25 years of experience in diversity & inclusion advertising, each publication now reaches over 2 million readers. Online 1-5 posts – $125/post per month
6-15 posts – $99/post per month
30 days Must create a membership account to post on this site.
Colorado Coalition for the Educational Advancement of Latinxs CoCEAL is composed of education professionals representing both the postsecondary education sector as well as the education service sector, including institutional representation as well as representation from colleagues in different education organizations. CoCEAL members have made an intentional and concerted effort to work together to provide greater access to higher education for all students, with a specific concentration on Latinx students throughout the education pipeline. Online Free Will remain posted for one month from the posting date and/or closing date. Submit your job posting to this Google Form.
Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals Welcome to the Consortium of Higher Education Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Professionals! Our organizational vision is: “We envision higher education environments where LGBTQ people, inclusive of all of our intersecting identities, are fully liberated. Our Mission is that we are a “a member-based organization working towards the liberation of LGBTQ people in higher education. We support individuals  who work on campuses to educate and support people of diverse  sexual orientations and gender identities, as well as advocate for more inclusive policies and practices through an intersectional and racial justice framework.” Online Position that is at least 50% LGBT related AND in Higher Ed – Free for non-members
Position that is non-LGBT or not in higher ed – Members only
30 days Non-member – Please email the Publications and Communications Chair to post on the LGBT forum.
Department of Colorado VFW Find a post in Colorado to partner and advertise job postings Free
DIVERSEability Magazine DiversityComm, Inc. (DCI) is the proud publisher of six nationally recognized diversity focused magazines: Black EOE Journal, HISPANIC Network Magazine,  Professional WOMAN’S Magazine, U.S. Veterans Magazine, Diversity in STEAM Magazine, and DIVERSEability Magazine. Each magazine has its own engaging website, distribution, and digital edition. In addition, we publish a bi-monthly  e-newsletter that reaches all of our readers, subscribers and clients. If one of your goals is diversity branding, global diversity, diversity recruiting or supplier diversity, then look no further. With more than 25 years of experience in diversity & inclusion advertising, each publication now reaches over 2 million readers. Online 1-5 posts – $125/post per month
6-15 posts – $99/post per month
30 days Must create a membership account to post on this site.
Diversity in STEAM – Magazine DiversityComm, Inc. (DCI) is the proud publisher of six nationally recognized diversity focused magazines: Black EOE Journal, HISPANIC Network Magazine,  Professional WOMAN’S Magazine, U.S. Veterans Magazine, Diversity in STEAM Magazine, and DIVERSEability Magazine. Each magazine has its own engaging website, distribution, and digital edition. In addition, we publish a bi-monthly  e-newsletter that reaches all of our readers, subscribers and clients. If one of your goals is diversity branding, global diversity, diversity recruiting or supplier diversity, then look no further. With more than 25 years of experience in diversity & inclusion advertising, each publication now reaches over 2 million readers. Online 1-5 posts – $125/post per month
6-15 posts – $99/post per month
30 days Must create a membership account to post on this site.
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Today, HACU represents more than 470 colleges and universities committed to Hispanic higher education success in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Latin America, and Spain. Although our member institutions in the U.S. represent only 13% of all higher education institutions nationwide, together they are home to two-thirds of all Hispanic college students. HACU is the only national educational association that represents Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). Online HACU Member – $100
Non-member – $150
Job Posting with Logo – $250
30 days All job postings: HACU will only post a short job description (maximum of 540 characters/first (6) lines using the form’s text box) on it’s website and a link to the organization’s website where candidates can see complete job description.
Postings with Logos: Logos accepted in JPG of GIF formats. Dimensions should not exceed 125 x 85 pixels.
Hispanic Network Magazine DiversityComm, Inc. (DCI) is the proud publisher of six nationally recognized diversity focused magazines: Black EOE Journal, HISPANIC Network Magazine,  Professional WOMAN’S Magazine, U.S. Veterans Magazine, Diversity in STEAM Magazine, and DIVERSEability Magazine. Each magazine has its own engaging website, distribution, and digital edition. In addition, we publish a bi-monthly  e-newsletter that reaches all of our readers, subscribers and clients. If one of your goals is diversity branding, global diversity, diversity recruiting or supplier diversity, then look no further. With more than 25 years of experience in diversity & inclusion advertising, each publication now reaches over 2 million readers. Online 1-5 posts – $125/post per month
6-15 posts – $99/post per month
30 days Must create a membership account to post on this site.
Hispanic Outlook on Education Magazine The Hispanic Outlook on Education (HO) is a national monthly magazine that provides education news, innovations, networking, resources and the latest trends impacting students from kindergarten through graduate school all while maintaining a unique Hispanic perspective. Originally entitled The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, HO has provided a pipeline delivering nationwide news about multicultural accomplishments and challenges in classrooms for more than 28 years. Online/Print Print – Multiple options ranging from $950 – $3,999
Job Board:
Basic – $290
Featured – $340
Online: 60, 75 or 90 days
Print: One Issue
Print: Various options depending out the size of spread.
Basic Online Posting: Upgrade to featured job for $50, Upgrage to classified ad in print magazine for $300
Featured Online Posting: One 1/4 page complimentary digital ad in the publication, upgrade to priority job for $50
Indian Country Today Indian Country Today is a daily digital news platform that covers the Indigenous world, including American Indians and Alaska Natives. Indian Country Today is the largest news site that covers tribes and Native people throughout the Americas. Our primary focus is delivering news to a national audience via a mobile phone or the web. Online To place a classified ad, please contact Heather Donovan at
INSIGHT Into Diversity INSIGHT Into Diversity is the oldest and largest diversity magazine and website in higher education today. For over 45 years, INSIGHT Into Diversity has connected potential employees with institutions and businesses choosing to embrace a workforce more reflective of our local and national communities. Online Basic Posting – $339
Passive Job Seeker Package – $479
Enhanced Posting – $399
60 days Basic: Posted for 60 days
Passive Job Seeker: Your job will be included in the INSIGHT into Diversity Jobs Flash which is emailed to thousands of diverse candidates! It will also be posted on INSIGHT into Diversity for 60 days where it will stay near the top of search results for the duration AND be highlighted to maximize views. Premium postings attract an average of 1000% more job views than a Basic Posting.
Enhanced: Your 60-day job will stay near the top of the search results for the duration of the posting ensuring that is one of the first opportunities job seekers see.
Professional Woman’s Magazine DiversityComm, Inc. (DCI) is the proud publisher of six nationally recognized diversity focused magazines: Black EOE Journal, HISPANIC Network Magazine,  Professional WOMAN’S Magazine, U.S. Veterans Magazine, Diversity in STEAM Magazine, and DIVERSEability Magazine. Each magazine has its own engaging website, distribution, and digital edition. In addition, we publish a bi-monthly  e-newsletter that reaches all of our readers, subscribers and clients. If one of your goals is diversity branding, global diversity, diversity recruiting or supplier diversity, then look no further. With more than 25 years of experience in diversity & inclusion advertising, each publication now reaches over 2 million readers. Online 1-5 posts – $125/post per month
6-15 posts – $99/post per month
30 days Must create a membership account to post on this site.
Remerg The mission of Remerg is to stop the revolving door of recidivism, one resource at a time. Our vision is a world where people released from incarceration are able to restart successfully and never go back. Free
The American Association of University Women (AAUW)  The American Association of University Women (AAUW) is the nation’s leading voice promoting equity and education for women and girls. Since our founding in 1881, AAUW members have examined and taken positions on the fundamental issues of the day — educational, social, economic, and political. Online $3 per word 30, 60 or 90 days Ads are posted within two business days following payment and remain on our website for 90 days (unless other time period is selected). Advertisers receive a link to their ad for approval. College and university job postings cost $3 per word.
U.S Veterans Magazine DiversityComm, Inc. (DCI) is the proud publisher of six nationally recognized diversity focused magazines: Black EOE Journal, HISPANIC Network Magazine,  Professional WOMAN’S Magazine, U.S. Veterans Magazine, Diversity in STEAM Magazine, and DIVERSEability Magazine. Each magazine has its own engaging website, distribution, and digital edition. In addition, we publish a bi-monthly  e-newsletter that reaches all of our readers, subscribers and clients. If one of your goals is diversity branding, global diversity, diversity recruiting or supplier diversity, then look no further. With more than 25 years of experience in diversity & inclusion advertising, each publication now reaches over 2 million readers. Online 1-5 posts – $125/post per month
6-15 posts – $99/post per month
30 days Must create a membership account to post on this site.
Women for Hire Since our inception, we have been recognized as groundbreakers in connecting employers with the brightest group of diverse career women, as well as providing those women with exceptional advice on advancement. We specialize in developing customized programs to meet the diversity recruitment goals of employers in every industry. Online 30 day job posting – $75 30 days You must have an account to purchase services online. 
Women in Higher Education Our mission is to provide women on campus with practical ideas and insights to be more effective in their careers and lives. We want women in higher education to gain the power they need to win respect, influence others, sell ideas and take their rightful place in leading society. Our goal is to enlighten, encourage, empower and enrage women on campus as well as to win the acceptance of women in higher education and our larger culture. Online Tassel Plan – $295 for 30 days or $545 for 60 days
Cap Plan – $360 for 30 days or $580 for 60 days
Hood Plan – $435 for 30 days or $655 for 60 days
Gown Plan – $655 for 30 days or $910 for 60 days
30 or 60 days Tassel: Online posted with logo
Cap: Online posted with logo, ad highlighted in search results
Hood: Online ad with logo, featured ad on home page
Gown: Online ad with logo, highlighted in search results, featured on home page, Twitter blast to over 40,000 followers, featured employer status
Women’s Job List With Women’s Job List, employers get access to a talented pool of candidates that would otherwise go undiscovered. Thousands of candidates visit Women’s Job List on a daily basis from many different sources including Indeed, SimplyHired, DiversityJobs and many more. Unknown