Resource Brief overview of venue Format Cost Duration Description
SimplyHired SimplyHired aggregates job listings from thousands of websites and job boards. It then advertises those jobs on its website and mobile app. Job seekers search job listings on Simply Hired by keyword and location to find jobs of interest. Online Free Post to SimplyHired and your job posting will be distributed to 100+ job boards
Glassdoor Built on the foundation of increasing workplace transparency, Glassdoor offers millions of the latest job listings, combined with a growing database of company reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, interview reviews and questions, benefits reviews, office photos and more. Unlike other job sites, all of this information is shared by those who know a company best — the employees. In turn, job seekers on Glassdoor are well-researched and more informed about the jobs and companies they apply to and consider joining. Online Standard – $199 per month
Premium – $249 per month
1 month Standard: Included on for 55M monthly job seekers, distributed to 100+ job boards
Premium: Same as standard plus job posting included in daily job alert emails, superior ranking in search results
Monster Monster is a global online employment solution for people seeking jobs and the employers who need great people. We’ve been doing this for more than 20 years, and have expanded from our roots as a “job board” to a global provider of a full array of job seeking, career management, recruitment and talent management products and services. Online Starter Plan – $279 per month
Standard Plan – $399 per month
Premium Plan – $599 per month
1 month Starter: 1 active job posting per month
Standard: 3 active job postings per month
Premium: 5 active job postings per month
LinkedIn LinkedIn offers the ability to create online job postings to advertise open positions at your company. Job seekers can search for these opportunities throughout the LinkedIn network. In addition, job postings will be recommended to potential candidates through the “Jobs You May Be Interested In” feature. Online Pay per click
Roughly $120-$1.50 per click per day
You select the time period
CareerBuilder Over the past 20+ years, CareerBuilder has helped millions of people find jobs and has equipped hundreds of thousands of employers with the talent they need. It’s what we do and we do it better than anyone else. Online Pay per job – $375
Value Plan – $219 per month
1 month Pay per job – one set cost for one job posting
Value Plan – Subscription service, post 1 job per month
Indeed (sponsored) Indeed is the #1 job site in the world1 with over 250 million unique visitors2 every month. Indeed strives to put job seekers first, giving them free access to search for jobs, post resumes, and research companies. Every day, we connect millions of people to new opportunities. Online All budgets welcome You select the time period A Sponsored Job is a paid listing that is prominently displayed at the top and bottom of relevant search results and don’t fall back in search results over time like free listings. Because of increased visibility over time, Sponsored Jobs deliver more quality applicants to your job openings than free listings.

The ideal daily budget depends on the type of job you are offering, the location of the job and how quickly you need to fill the position. Do you have 60 days to hire or do you need someone next week? Does the job require common skills that many candidates would have or are you looking for particular qualifications and specialized skills? Indeed gives you the flexibility to choose how much you want to spend to find the right candidates on your timeframe. If you want more applications, you can increase your budget. If you are getting too many applications, you can reduce your budget or stop sponsoring altogether.

You can always stop spending or change your budget at any time by clicking “edit job” in the employer dashboard and changing the budget amount, pausing the job or closing it.