How do I know if a position is auxiliary funded?

  • Positions fully funded (100%) by gifts, grants, or revenues generated through auxiliary activities are identified by their fund source to determine eligibility for exemption from the State Classified system.  Auxiliary activities are institutional activities managed and accounted for as self-supporting activities. Accounts assigned to CSU’s Fund Group B are considered self-funded/auxiliary accounts (identified on page 12 of FPI 1-3 Funds/Sub-Funds) with the exception of accounts designated as Recharge Centers (RECHAR)  or 21 accounts. Positions funded on 21 accounts will be assessed individually to determine if they are considered ‘self-supporting.’

Can we notify employees that they’re in positions eligible for conversion?

  • If an employee inquires as to their eligibility you can confirm if the funding source qualifies.

How do we document an employee’s request to vacate their position and move to an AP assignment?

  • The employee should speak to their supervisor about their request and complete the request form. This process is outlined in detail on the HR website.

Assuming the position is eligible for conversion, when can we make this change effective?

  • Effective dates are always the first of a month and must be at least 30 days after the position is classified within the AP framework. Additional information is available on the HR website.

Can we make changes to the position description at the same time we’re requesting to convert the position from SC to AP?

  • If substantial changes are made to the role, this would be considered a request for a new position rather than a conversion of an existing classified role. Minor updates (e.g., revised reporting structures, clean-up of terms, etc.) may be made.

Will new AP position descriptions for unoccupied/vacant positions be drafted based on current SC PD by department staff or will HR provide templates/guidance?

  • As with all roles, drafting/updating position descriptions is the responsibility of the hiring department. If a unit anticipates challenges due to volume or timelines, HR is available to provide assistance. Please contact your Sr. HRBP to discuss.

Will AP search processes be utilized to hire APs that were transitioned from SC?

  • If a new/vacant position is designated as an AP role because of auxiliary funding, it is no different than any other AP role and selection/recruitment will be consistent with existing practices. In many instances, the accelerated search process can be utilized for these positions.

Will promotional postings be required for employees who switch from state classified to AP?

  • No, this change is not considered a promotion but is merely an employment type change.  

If a recruitment was posted for a state classified position, can the recruitment and job offer be switched to AP? 

  • No, the type of position cannot be switched during a recruitment. A state classified posting can only hire a classified employee, and an AP posting can only hire an AP employee. 

Can classified employees in qualifying positions elect to vacate their role and move to AP at any time? 

  • Yes, as long as the funding source for their position qualifies, they can submit the request to vacate their position and move into an AP role. 

Who can employees reach out to for guidance about the differences between being a state classified vs AP employee so they can make an informed decision? 

  • Employees are strongly encouraged to reach out to their Sr. HR Business Partners to discuss individual circumstances before making a decision.

Can a state classified employee switch to AP and then switch back to being classified? 

  • Once an employee opts to vacate their position, they cannot change back while in the same role. If they apply for and are selected for a classified role, they can return to that employee group. 

If a state classified employee applies for an AP position posting, can they remain a classified employee if they get the job? 

  • No, the type of position is dictated by the position description and posting. If a state classified employee accepts a position that is posted as Administrative Professional, they will transition to that employee group.

Are we able to submit new AP positions with salaries that align with current market conditions? 

  • Yes, but each department should be mindful of their existing employees and the concern that inequities in salary can create. Best practice is to post positions that have recently changed from state to AP very close to the salary ranges in the state pay plan.