Off-Cycle Salary Form (updated December 2023)

Salary Changes Resulting from Changes to Position Duties/Responsibilities

  • If a current employee is hired into a new position, either through a competitive external search, a competitive internal search, or an alternative appointment request (AAR), an off-cycle salary form is unnecessary. The salary is determined through the selection process.
  • If an off-cycle salary is requested resulting from changes to duties/responsibilities, the salary will be approved through the TMS and Oracle HR system workflows only, not through an additional off-cycle salary form.
  • If there are multiple justifications for a salary change including changes to duties/responsibilities, the salary will be approved through TMS without necessitating an off-cycle form.

Special Instructions for Entering the Position Modification in TMS

    • In the “Reason for Position Modification” field, Initiators must choose, “Salary Adjustment,” as one of the reasons.
    • Enter the new requested salary in the “New Requested Salary” field. This must be a single number, not a range. Entering a different salary in this field from the salary entered in the Oracle HR system after the position modification is approved will result in approval delays.
    • Hiring authorities and signature authorities should be aware that approving the position modification includes approving the new salary listed in the “Why are you modifying this position description?” field.
    • After the position modification has been completely approved, a promotional posting is required (as is the case now). The Proposed Annual Salary Range should be the new requested salary, and the Desired Start Date should be the requested effective date of the new salary.
    • Acceptable Start Dates 
        • The Desired Start Date must be after the close date of the promotional posting.
        • The soonest the Desired Start Date can be is the first of the month following the close of the promotional posting.
          • The effective date of the salary change entered in the Oracle HR system must be on or after the Desired Start Date entered on the promotional posting.
          • Example: if the promotional posting starts on January 25, the Desired Start Date must be February 1 or later.
          • Example: if the promotional posting starts on February 1, the Desired Start Date must be March 1 or later.

      IMPORTANT: Promotional announcements must be posted on the CSU internal job board for one full day before taking effect. If submitted on the last day of the month, the posted date will be the first day of the following month, delaying the salary increase to the next calendar month. For instance, if submitted on November 30th, it will be posted for the full day on December 1st, and the earliest effective date will be January 1st. To avoid delays, always submit the announcement by the second-to-last day of the month.

    • OEO review of the salary will occur concurrently with the promotional posting. If OEO has questions or concerns about the requested salary, they will contact the position modification initiator.
    • The initiator of the position modification can assume that the new salary has been approved without a positive notification from OEO. They will receive an email from the TMS when the promotional announcement is approved. 

Salary Changes without Changes to Position Duties/Responsibilities

  • Departments requesting a salary adjustment for a different justification (critical retention, equity, etc.) should complete the off-cycle form and route it for signatures.
  • Following the employee’s department head/chair, the form routes to the HR Classification and Compensation team ( before being sent to the Dean or Vice President over the employee’s department. That is the final signature required, and the form should then be emailed to the form’s initiator and
  • Acceptable dates for off-cycle salary changes:
    • Equity
      • Due Oct 1 to be effective Nov 1
      • Due Feb 1 to be effective March 1
      • SALX – effective July 1 
      • For equity increases, the expectation will be that a review of your whole unit is taken into account when submitting equity increases so there are no updates needed outside of these deadlines. We hope that a majority of the equity increases will route through the annual SALX process.
    • All other Increases (Retention, Position Changes, Salary Decrease, Salary Mistakes, etc.)
      • The earliest allowable effective date is the 1st of the month following the date the final signature is obtained. (For example, if the Dean/VP signs on January 4, then the earliest allowable effective date is February 1.)