Special Earnings
Special Earnings Form
- The Special Earnings form(.xlsx) allows for the entry of Cell Phone Allowance and Apparel Imputed for employees. For Cell Phone Allowance, the form will allow for entry of new allowances, removal of allowances and adjustments for any prior pay periods or missed pay periods in a positive or negative amount.
- Open the Special Earnings batch for the current payroll month. Select the employee and element. To create a new entry, click on the next available blank line or use the plus button on the tool bar to add a new line. Enter the employee’s name and select the correct element from the following list of values.
- Apparel Imputed – use this element to enter the cost of non-uniform apparel gifted to an employee. Please see the policy on the Busines and Financial Services for more information on what distinguishes uniform and non-uniform apparel.
- Cell Phone Allowance – use this element to enter a new ongoing monthly allowance amount.
- Cell Phone Adjustment – use this element to adjust a cell phone allowance payment for any pay period adjustment from a prior month (adjustments will only be applied to the payroll month of the batch in which they are entered).
- A positive value will make a payment to the employee.
- A negative value will deduct money from the employee.
- When all entries have been made, click the Save icon on the toolbar or click Ctrl+S. Then, click the Validate button on the form to confirm that you have reviewed the entries for the month. Once the file is validated, the Status at the top will change from red ‘Unprocessed’ to green ‘Valid’. This indicates that your batch will be picked up for payroll processing. The batches will be picked up following the dates published on the payroll calendars in the Time File Due column. The batch must be validated to be picked up and processed in payroll. Enter and validate all Imputed Apparel and Cell Phone entries in the form by the 10th of each month. A reminder email will be sent to the HRMS Users and HRMS Leave distribution lists each month with the subject, “Validate Postdoc Leave Taken Summary for Postdocs and Special Earnings Batches,” providing more exact dates for the data transfer. The month shown in the batch name should be validated by the 10th of that month. For example, the batch named, “Special-Earnings-28-Feb-2019,” should be validated by February 10.
Import Entries from a File
- A comma-separated values (csv) file of entries can be uploaded in lieu of manually entry. The file specifications are available (in xlsx format) here: Special Earnings File Specifications.xlsx.
- Instructions for importing the file are available (in PDF format) here: Special Earnings Import Form
Cell Phone Allowance Details
- Enter the cell phone allowance amount or cell phone adjustment amount. The cell phone allowance ongoing monthly amount can be selected from one of two valid values depending upon which option the employee is enrolled in (voice or voice/data). If you enter an invalid value, you will receive an error message with the two correct options.
- Each month, your batch will populate with the ongoing cell phone allowances which are active for your department. If you need to remove an ongoing allowance, click on the employee line and select the red ‘x’ on the toolbar. Then click the Save icon.
Apparel Imputed Details
- Imputed Apparel amounts can be entered on any type of employee, and no account number is required, because no credit/debit is taken. The entries will be added to the employee’s assignment for tax purposes only as imputed earnings. The entries will not recur each month automatically as the Cell Phone Allowance entries do. Users may only enter Imputed Apparel for employees in the department(s) they have access to in Oracle, so if apparel is given to an employee in another department, please work with that department’s HR staff to ensure that they make the appropriate entries. When entering an amount, enter the amount of the gifted apparel itself (not an estimate of the tax). For example, if a jacket was gifted to an employee that cost the department $60, enter that amount in the field.
- Enter Imputed Apparel in the Special Earnings form during the month the employee receives the apparel or the following month (if necessary). These are creating additional tax withholdings for the employee, so do not retain the information and enter it all on one month to avoid creating an undue burden on the employee. Entries on bi-weekly employees will all fall in the pay period that includes the last day of the month. For this reason, any Imputed Apparel entered on a bi-weekly assignment during December will count toward the following year for tax purposes. Please plan accordingly.