The HR Professional User Group is a new role in TMS that allows the assigned user to use an expedited process to: 

  • Make non-substantive changes to a position description and move it directly to HR Records for position number assignment. 
  • Use the New search process to allow for more candidate engagement and streamlined hiring. 

For regulatory compliance and data security purposes, the HR Professional User Group will only be assigned to senior members of a college or division’s HR team. These individuals must have strategic talent acquisition responsibilities, significant experience in recruitment and hiring, and training in CSU search process and classification guidelines. 

To request the HR Professional User Group, please follow these steps: 

  1. Complete all search process trainings to gain insights into the best practices and compliance pieces to inclusive talent acquisition: 
  2. Search Chair training 
  3. EO Coordinator training 
  4. How to Consider Diversity in the Search Process training 
  5. Search Support Staff training 
  6. Review the HR Classification and Compensation matrix to understand what requires HR review. Does HR CCA want to meet with them? 
  7. Review the steps in the new Talent Acquisition search process and the HR Professional user group. 
  8. Reach out to the Talent Acquisition team in Human Resources to discuss the process and requirements. 
  9. Submit a TMS Access Request Form and email it to or 
  10. Optional LinkedIn Learning Courses (coming soon) 

HR Professional Resources: