Additional local recruitment resources can be found here. (Please note this document is not owned by CSU) 

Resource Brief overview of venue Format Cost Duration
Craigslist Craigslist is one of the world’s most popular job boards, with millions of jobs posted each year across hundreds of different cities. It is most popular in the United States and Canada and leans toward less-senior office roles.

Online $25 per selected job ‘category’ 30 days
Colorado Nonprofit Association Colorado Nonprofit Association exists to strengthen nonprofits. Every day we educate and inform Colorado nonprofits about new ideas, best practices and pressing public policies so they can achieve greater impact on Colorado communities. Online $105 per posting
Andrew Hudson Andrew Hudson’s Jobs List has been Colorado’s premiere job board for  20 years.  Started in 1998 with a few hundred followers,  today, more than 35,000 subscribers receive the weekly updates and hundreds of thousands more visit AH Jobs List each month.  Currently, AH Jobs List posts more than 1,000 jobs per-month and according to a recent survey, 70% of employers posting jobs found Andrew Hudson’s Jobs List the best site for finding new employees. Online Single job: $250 30 days
Northern Colorado Help Wanted and operate a network of 460 local job boards across the US and Canada. We offer easy, efficient, and cost effective ways to recruit new employees locally. Our local job boards are promoted by constant advertising on area radio stations. Online Single Job Posting: $199

Additional add ons:
– Add your logo: $15
– Add Enhanced Job Listing: $15
– Attract talented Veterans: $50
– Featured employer: $50 per week
– Top Job: $50 per week
– Blast a Job Posting: $495

30 days Enhanced Job listing: generate more views with color background and bold headline
Attract talented veterans: Display the flag and copy your job posting to
Featured Employer: display your logo on the home page
Top Job: Link to your job posting from the home page
Blast a job posting: Email your job posting to 8,755 potential applicants
Coloradoan Since 1873, the Fort Collins Coloradoan has been Northern Colorado’s most trusted local news source and the #1 medium for community information. Owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc., the Fort Collins Coloradoan connects more readers to the local community than any other news source. Covering topics from philanthropy to transportation, if it matters to the community, you’ll find it in the Coloradoan. Online Basic Package: $299
Performance Package: $399
Proactive Package: $559
30 days Performance Package: Priority search, performance boost, CareerBuilder boost
Proactive Package: Priority search, College boost, Social boost, Performance boost, CareerBuilder boost
Work in Northern Colorado Let’s face it. Today’s job market is more competitive than ever and so is the demand for highly skilled talent. You already know living and working in Northern Colorado has a lot to offer. Now, our employer toolkit will help you share our region’s story with candidates and new hires. It’s chock-full of resources and information to help elevate your hiring strategies. Online