Intake Meeting with Hiring Authority and HR Professional

  • During the intake meeting, several important steps are undertaken to facilitate the hiring process. Firstly, the need to hire is carefully assessed and justified. Next, the position description is either created or reviewed to ensure it accurately reflects the requirements of the role. A comprehensive recruitment and interview plan is then developed to attract suitable candidates effectively. This includes identifying the necessary applicant documents and determining the individuals who will conduct the interviews. It is recommended to have at least one interviewer, apart from the hiring authority, participate in the finalist interviews, and this role can be fulfilled by the HR professional. Additionally, the intake meeting covers crucial aspects like discussing the hiring process, addressing implicit bias concerns, highlighting best practices for conducting interviews, and establishing a list of acceptable questions to ensure a fair and equitable selection process.

Helpful Resources

Create or modify a position description in TMS (if necessary)

  • When creating a new position, it is necessary to send it to the HR CCA (Human Resources Classification and Compensation Analyst) for review. However, if modifications are made to an existing Position Description, and these changes do not affect the classification, the HR Professional user group can handle the modifications and approve them. In cases where a Position Description is being cloned, the HR Professional user group is responsible for creating the clone, and then it is sent to HR Records for position number assignment and approval. On the other hand, if changes to a Position Description do impact the classification, it should be forwarded to the HR CCA for thorough review and assessment. These well-defined steps help ensure consistency and accuracy in managing position descriptions within the organization.

Helpful Resources

Create Posting in TMS

  • To streamline the posting/hiring process, several key actions are necessary. First, utilize the supplemental question functionality for minimum qualifications to efficiently assess applicant eligibility. Additionally, expand the search committee by including interviewers to enhance the evaluation process further. Provide the Hiring Authority with an applicant screening form to facilitate the assessment of minimally qualified candidates. It is essential to submit the job posting directly to the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) through the HR Professional user group, ensuring compliance with all relevant guidelines and regulations.

Helpful Resources: 

Position is Posted

  • The full consideration date for a job posting is set at 7 calendar days from the initial posting date. By default, the position will remain open until filled. A longer advertising time is OK if desired. 

Conduct networking and advertisement, based on recruitment plan from Intake Meeting

  • After the initial posting of the position, the department will proceed with advertising and actively recruiting for the role. Job advertisements will be disseminated across all pre-planned venues to ensure maximum visibility and attract potential candidates. The department should be committed to conducting a comprehensive and inclusive recruitment process, reaching out to diverse talent pools and seeking the best-suited individuals to contribute to the University’s success.

Helpful Resources: 

The HR Professional conducts minimum qualification screening and assess the pool of applicants to be considered by the Hiring Authority for interview (can start before the full consideration date).

  • The HR Professional* will oversee the candidate review and selection process, starting with reviewing application materials to ensure minimum qualifications are met, using supplemental question functionality when necessary. They will conduct the initial round of screening and interviews, evaluating applicants based on both minimum and preferred qualifications using a standardized set of questions. Additionally, the HR Professional will assess the strength of the candidate pool and determine whether reposting or enhancing recruitment efforts is required. As part of their commitment to diversity and equal opportunity, the HR Professional will use the EOC Report in TMS to assess the diversity of the candidate pool, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive recruitment process.

Helpful Resources: 

*Assessment and first round of interviews can be conducted by the HR Professional, and/or the Hiring Authority

Qualified applicants shared with the Hiring Authority

  • The HR Professional shares minimally qualified applicants with the Hiring Authority. Using an approved screening form, the Hiring Authority assesses the candidates for finalist interviews and saves the assessment documentation for reference.

Implement interview plan

  • To facilitate the finalist interview stage effectively, several key steps are undertaken. First, core interview questions are established to ensure consistency and fairness in the evaluation process. Next, the scheduling of finalist interviews is carefully coordinated to accommodate all relevant parties. In this regard, at least one interviewer, apart from the hiring authority, is involved in the interviews to provide a comprehensive assessment; this additional interviewer can be the HR Professional. 

Helpful Resources: 

Conduct Interviews

  • During the interview phase, the Hiring Authority conducts candidate interviews and carefully records their responses to the questions asked. The number of interviewers involved may vary depending on the position, but there is always at least one interviewer participating in the process. The Hiring Authority ensures that the documentation of the interview proceedings is diligently saved, creating a comprehensive record of each candidate’s evaluation.

Helpful Resources: 

Top candidate(s) identified, references contacted

  • After identifying the top candidate(s) for the position, the Hiring Authority or HR Professional will inform the candidate(s) that their references will be contacted as part of the reference check process. The Hiring Authority or HR Professional will conduct the reference checks. 

Helpful Resources: 

Update all workflow states for all applicants and candidates with rationale

Need to update this text. 

Helpful Resources: 

Make verbal offer to candidate

  • Upon receiving the final hiring approval in TMS, the Hiring Authority coordinates with the HR Professional to determine pay rate within posted range and makes a verbal offer to the selected candidate. The Hiring Authority or HR Professional can send an offer letter with background check contingency.

Helpful Resources: 

All search materials retained for three years

  • The Hiring Authority or HR Professional is responsible for collecting and retaining all pertinent search documents for three years. This includes any materials submitted by applicants that have been printed out and assessment notes taken; resumes, curricula vitae, reference letters, performance documents, video or audio tapes (duplicate copies may be destroyed). This also includes the evaluative materials gathered by the Hiring Authority and/or HR Professional: the rating sheets from the initial screening, evaluation forms, phone or campus interviews, notes from reference checks, search correspondence, summaries, list of nominations (including nominees who did not subsequently apply for the position), the minutes or notes from meetings if taken, interview schedules, final recommendation, etc. Materials may be saved electronically in an easily retrievable and confidential format.