Other Leaves – SC
State Classifed
Colorado State University recognizes the importance of supporting its employees as they balance their career, personal and family life. It is important for employees to be able to recharge, feel protected in their employment, and take the time they need to improve their overall productivity and health. As a part of your total rewards package, you are provided with paid and unpaid leaves to support you and your family and enhance your financial security.
This information is a summary of commonly used leaves and is not all inclusive of benefits offered at CSU. Please see the State of Colorado’s website for specific details and policies regarding leave.
Accrual: See the chart below regarding annual leave accruals (effective 7/1/22).
Years of Service Hours per Month Max Accrual Rate
1-3 years 8 192
4-5 years 9 216
6-10 years 11 264
11-15 years 13 312
16+ years 16 384
Appointments of less than full-time but at least half-time (0.5) earn a prorated amount of annual leave based on their full-time equivalent (FTE). Leave is available for use the first day of the following month in which it was earned.
Maximum: Any accrued annual leave over the maximum accrual rate at the end of a fiscal year is forfeited on July 1.
Usage: Paid leave used for personal needs including vacation. Advance approval by the appointing authority or delegate is required. However, an appointing authority or delegate has discretion to allow employees to use annual leave that was not approved in advance or to charge unpaid leave.
Payout: Upon separation, unused accrued annual leave is paid out, subject to the maximum accrual rate indicated in the table above.
Accrual: Full-time employees earn 6.66 hours per month. Part-time employees who work regular, non-fluctuating schedules earn a pro-rated amount of leave based on their regular work schedules. Leave for part-time employees working irregular, fluctuating schedules and full-time employees who work or are on paid leave less than a full month is calculated as: (# of hours worked ÷ total available work hours in the month) x employee’s earning rate = amount of leave earned.
Maximum: Employees entering or being brought into the state personnel system on or after July 1, 1988, have a maximum accrual rate of 360 hours (45 days). Employees hired before July 1, 1988, have individual maximum accrual rates equal to the state personnel system sick leave balance on July 1, 1988, plus 360 hours (45 days).
Usage: Paid leave used for health needs including diagnostic and preventative examinations, treatment, and recovery, e.g., illness, injury, dental, optical, auditory, mental, substance abuse treatment. The temporary physical disability caused by pregnancy and childbirth is also covered by sick leave (excludes bonding).
Accrued sick leave may be used for the health needs of the employee or the employee’s family members (related by blood, adoption, marriage, or civil union) including a child to whom the employee stands in loco parentis or a person who stood in loco parentis to the employee when the employee was a minor, domestic partners, in-laws, step relatives and for a person for whom the employee is responsible for providing or arranging health or safety-related care.
Payout: All unused sick leave is forfeited upon separation from the personnel system unless the employee is eligible for full or reduced retirement. If an employee is eligible for retirement at separation, such employee is paid ¼ of unused accrued sick leave, subject to the maximum accrual rate.
Paid family medical leave provides state classified employees up to 160 hours of paid leave (prorated for part-time), per rolling 12 month period when employees are eligible and qualify for unpaid job-protected leave under the Family Medical Leave Act, including the addition of safe leave. Paid family medical leave runs concurrently, but does not extend family medical leave entitlement.
Must comply with family medical leave requirements and submit a completed and sufficient medical certification. More information can be found on the Colorado Leave webpage.
When a continuation of sick leave usage is due to the employee’s own serious health condition (defined under FML) exceeds 30 work days per fiscal year, the cost of the those sick leave days that exceed 30, may be charged to the fringe pool. The 30 day period must be met each fiscal year.
The Extended Sick Leave Reimbursement Application is submitted to Human Resources with copies of FML (Notice of Eligibility and Rights and Responsibilities, Medical Certification and Designation Notice) by the employee’s department. Application must be submitted within 30 days of the use of leave, but no later than the end of the fiscal year.
State classified employees are eligible for paid leave used when called to jury duty.
Permanent employees are granted jury leave for the period they are required to serve. Temporary employees receive paid leave for a maximum of three working days when jury duty occurs during the days they are normally scheduled to work.
For employees with flex schedules who are called to or selected to serve as a juror in a trial, it is recommended that the employee’s work schedule be adjusted to regular 8 hour work days within the designated workweek.
The purpose of the leave is to provide time for employees to deal with personal needs during the grieving process and attend any services in connection with a death.
Employees are responsible for requesting, in writing, the amount of bereavement leave needed, up to 40 hours, for the death of a family member or other person with whom the employee has a relationship. The definition of family member and other is purposely broad because today’s families do not reflect a traditional or easily defined family structure. In addition, there are other relationships that have a significant impact on an employee’s life, e.g., coworker, family friend, neighbor, college roommate.
Supervisors and employees have a mutual responsibility to engage in a dialogue so that the employee’s needs are clear. Employees are expected to communicate their needs to the supervisor.
The State Personnel Board has given academic institutions the authority to substitute days that coincide with the academic schedule for the 10 legal holidays. Further, individual departments whose responsibilities dictate unusual work schedules may establish holiday schedules which deviate from the University’s schedule (see HR Manual, p. 3.18-19).
CSU believes in giving back to the community where we live and work. That’s why we offer paid leave to support employees who want to volunteer. Learn more about these programs at the links below.
This is intended to be an overview. Refer to the State of Colorado’s website for complete information. In the event the information on this page differs from the plan documents, the plan document will govern.