The Performance Management Program is designed to help employees achieve performance excellence and encourage consistent collaboration between supervisors and employees. 

two people talking at table
three people laughing at table together

State Classified

The Performance Management Program (PMP) is a state-mandated program and, as a state institution, Colorado State University is required to implement this program for its state-classified employees. This process is comprised of three required steps: planning, mid-year review, and final evaluation.

Planning & Goal Setting Session

Performance plans are developed in September and October each year for the State Classified employees of the University. Additionally, a plan must be developed within 30 days of a new hire, transfer, or promotion for all State Classified employees.

The plan allows the manager to select and define the key standards, goals, and objectives of the position and describe measurement methods that will be used, as well plan any needed development activities. Further, the employee’s performance plan can be modified throughout the year if circumstances within your organization warrant it.

Mid-Year Review

Mid-year reviews for State Classified employees are completed in February and March each year and provide the opportunity to formally touch-base regarding progress on goals. The midyear review also offers the chance to revise performance plan, if necessary, and the opportunity to clarify expectations.

Final Evaluation

Final Evaluations are conducted in September/October each year and serve as the review of the employee’s performance for the entire performance cycle of September 1st to August 31st. The final evaluation describes and assesses the actual performance versus what was established in the performance plan.


Every effort should be made such as coaching and progressive discipline to resolve any issues at the lowest possible level and we strongly encourage informal resolution before initiating the formal dispute resolution process. However, a formal procedure has been adopted in the case that situations cannot be resolved informally and this expedited process from immediate supervisor to final decision is intended to resolve disputes related to the CSU Performance Management Program in a timely fashion.

Please contact your HR Business Partner for more information on the dispute process.

Administrative Professional 

Guidelines for the Administrative Professional evaluation process are mandated according to Section D.5.5. of the Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Staff Manual.

Entries acknowledging that a performance evaluation has taken place for every admin professional employee on an annual basis occurs through the HR system. Please see this guide for detailed information.


Effective coaching begins with the employee’s performance plan and development of SMART performance goals, but can also be used to address issues as they arise. Coaching is an ongoing conversation between managers and employees that:

  • Clarifies expectations of performance
  • Addresses discrepancies between the expected and actual performance
  • Increases the opportunities for success with employees
  • Strengthens the relationship between the employee and the supervisor

Informal feedback through ongoing coaching creates work environments where employees are willing and able to ask questions.  Safe/open work environments allow a free-flowing dialogue about performance in which mistakes are transformed into learning opportunities. During the coaching process, it is important to discuss the consequences and impact of employee actions and behaviors. A coaching meeting helps to align the employee with the visions of the department and supervisor, which can gain employee buy-in.  

Coaching can involve a variety of processes, such as:

  • Providing on-the-job training
  • Seeking external training opportunities for an employee
  • Encouraging shadowing of more experienced team members. 

Coaching may occur during evaluation of a finished project:

  • Analyzing results and processes
  • Dissecting where performance was acceptable and areas that could be improved
  • Discussing what was learned during the project and what can be improved going forward. 

At difficult times, coaching includes confronting poor performance and working through progressive discipline.