Human Resources is excited to share a new fast, agile, compliant, and streamlined search process. Rooted in our unwavering commitment to equal opportunity and access, this new process aims not only to attract and hire the best candidates but also to reinforce a workforce that embodies diversity and inclusivity, pivotal elements in the CSU’s pursuit of excellence. 

To learn more about the different search process options, click here.


The New search process: 

  • Is an option for all Administrative Professional positions. With guidance from HR and college/division leadership, hiring authorities have the flexibility to determine the appropriate process for filling a vacant position. For some positions (e.g., executive and senior leadership roles), it may make sense to follow the standard search committee model that includes a more robust process and timeline. For others, this New search process or the Accelerated Search process may be more appropriate. 
  • Can only be used if someone within the college or division holds the HR Professional role in TMS and is overseeing the search. 
  • Provides equal opportunity and equal access for job seekers. 
  • Streamlines steps to reduce the time to hire.  
  • Allows interviewers to participate in the process as needed to reduce the amount of resources required for searches.  
  • Leverages talent acquisition strategies to keep candidates engaged and ensure successful hires.  


HR Professional:
Senior member of a college or division’s HR team that holds strategic talent acquisition responsibilities, has significant experience in recruitment and hiring, and has been trained in CSU search process and classification guidelines. For regulatory compliance and data security purposes, the HR Professional User Group will only be assigned to senior members of a college or division’s HR team. For access to this User Group, please review the HR Professional User Group webpage.

Hiring authority/supervisor:
Individual seeking to fill the position and working with HR Professional in the selection process. Trained in search process guidelines. TMS user role: search committee member.

Colleagues and community members identified by the hiring authority that help conduct the interviews. TMS user role: search committee member.

HR Talent Acquisition:
Individual(s) in HR TA who review actions, requests, and searches in TMS.


During the course of the year-long pilot beginning in September 2022, OEO and HR undertook a comprehensive approach to oversee the implementation of this refined Talent Acquisition process. Central to our strategy was the meticulous examination of applicant and hiring data to ensure unwavering adherence to our commitment to non-discrimination and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

We actively solicited feedback from hiring managers and all stakeholders engaged in the process, creating an inclusive feedback loop that allowed us to capture diverse perspectives and fine-tune the methodology. Regular meetings were convened with a team of HR leaders, fostering a collaborative environment where insights were shared and adjustments identified.

A critical aspect of our evaluation was the scrutiny of data to gauge the impact on the efficiency of our hiring practices. We prioritized maintaining a delicate balance between expediting the hiring timeline and upholding a thorough assessment of candidates. Our goal was to ensure that this new process not only streamlined hiring but also safeguarded the quality of selections.

In summary, this pilot was a holistic endeavor that involved vigilant data analysis, multi-stakeholder feedback integration, collaborative meetings with HR leaders across campus, and continuous assessment of our commitment to speed and rigor in hiring practices while upholding the principles of non-discrimination and DEI.


Special thanks to the pilot team!